Workshop on Early Financing and Entrepreneurship

Workshop on Early Financing and Entrepreneurship/

The EARLYFIN Workshop on Early Financing and Entrepreneurship will be held on September 21, 2018 in room 17.2.75 of the Getafe Campus of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, in Madrid, Spain.

This event is organized by the Institute INDEM and the EARLYFIN research group. The group is a multidisciplinary team made up of researchers from top universities from Madrid and Barcelona. Our goal is to study the effect of crowdfunding and other innovative sources of early-stage capital.

Our research program counts with the generous support of the Comunidad de Madrid and the EU's European Social Fund (Grant S2015/HUM-3353 EARLYFIN-CM), and the Spanish Ministry of the Economy (NETSOC, ECO2015-68715-R -MINECO/FEDER, UE).


We are pleased to announce that the keynote speakers will be: Prof. Ethan Mollick, Prof. Armin Schwienbacher and Prof. Melissa Cardon.

Prof. Ethan Mollick is Assistant Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and a Schultze Distinguished Professor and Kauffman Foundation Junior Faculty Fellow. He studies innovation and entrepreneurship and is a recognized expert in the field of crowdfunding. Prof. Mollick also co-authored a book on the intersection between video games and business that was named one of the American Library Association’s top ten business books of the year. He received his PhD (2010) and MBA (2004) from MIT’s Sloan School of Management and his bachelor’s degree from Harvard University, magna cum laude, in 1997.

Prof. Armin Schwienbacher is Professor of Finance at SKEMA Business School and Director of the PhD in Finance and Accounting. He obtained his PhD at the University of Namur in 2003 on exit strategies of venture capital funds. His research interests include crowdfunding, venture capital and entrepreneurial finance. He has presented his research at many universities, international conferences and financial institutions including the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the OECD.

Prof. Melissa S. Cardon is the Nestlé Endowed Professor of Business Administration in the Haslam College of Business at the University of Tennessee. She was formerly a Distinguished Professor of Management at the Lubin School of Business at Pace University in New York. Her research focuses on unleashing human potential within entrepreneurial firms, including a dual interest in HR practices that maximize employee potential, and the emotional, relational, and cognitive aspects of entrepreneurs that contribute to optimizing their behavior and performance. Her recent work is on entrepreneurial passion and how entrepreneurs as individuals and within teams can unleash their passion to get the best results for themselves and their organizations. She serves as a Field Editor for the Journal of Business Venturing and on the Editorial Boards of Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Journal of Management Studies, and Human Resource Management Review. She obtained her Bachelor's and MBA degrees from Case Western University. Her doctorate is from Columbia University in 2001.

Friday, September 21st

  • 09:00-10:15: Ethan Mollick (Wharton, UPenn)
  • An Overview of Crowdfunding
  • 10:15-11:30: Armin Schwienbacher (Skema Business School)
  • The Fallacy Problem of Entrepreneurs
  • 11:30 - 11:145: Coffee Break
  • 11:45-13:00: Melissa S. Cardon (University of Tennessee)
  • The biases of funders: Entrepreneurial passion displays and crowdfunding outcomes
  • 13:00-14:15: Lunch
  • 14:15-15:45: Short presentations from UC3M and UAM Academics
  • 15:45-16:00: Afternoon Break
  • 16:00-18:00: Roundtable: Crowdfunding in Practice
  • Roundtable Moderators:
  • Carlos Blanco. Director of UC3M Entrepreneurship & Innovation Support Service
  • Josep A. Tribo. Professor of Finance (UC3M)
  • Rountable Participants
  • Belén Gilarranz. In charge of Precipita (Public Interest Crowdfunding)
  • Javier Villaseca. CEO of Socios Inversores (Equity Crowdfunding)
  • Leonardo Fernández. CEO of OurCrowd Spain (Startup Investing)
  • Marta García Mandaloniz. Professor (UC3M). Expert in SME financing and user of crowdfunding
  • Arturo Moreno. CEO of PreSeries (Early Financing)
  • Jorge Oliveros del Castillo. CEO of Jobin (User firm of crowdfunding)

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Workshop on Early Financing and Entrepreneurship/

The conference will be held at the Getafe UC3M main campus.

Adress: Calle Madrid 126, 28903 Getafe, Madrid

Underground Stop: Juan de la Cierva.

Train (Cercanias) Stop: Las Margaritas Universidad

Bus Stop: Calle Madrid

GPS: 40º 19' 07.0" N 3º 43' 36.6" W

For details on how to get to the campus follow this link.

  • Josep Tribó Giné (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
  • Pablo de Andrés Alonso (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Here you can find a list of links to the recordings of the different presentations.