Recent Publications by Members of the Group 0
Posted on 30, May 2014
in Category CAR3FIN Blog
José M. Marín and Benjamin Golez (2014). “Price support by bank-affiliated mutual funds”. Journal of Financial Economics, forthcoming. Jordi Surroca, Josep A. Tribó and Shaker Zahra (2013). “Stakeholder Pressure on MNEs and the Transfer of Socially Irresponsible Practices to Subsidiaries”. Academy of Management Journal, 56(2), 549-572. Paola Sapienza,Anna Toldra‐Simats and Luigi Zingales (2013). “Understanding trust”. The Economic Journal, 123(573), 1313-1332. David Martínez-Miera and Rafael Repullo (2010). “Does Competition Reduce the Risk of Bank Failure?”. Review of Financial Studies, 23(10), 3638-3664. Juan-José Ganuza and José Penalva (2010). “Signal Orderings based on Dispersion and the Supply of Private Information in Auctions”. Econometrica, 78(3), 1007-1030. [&hellip